The Kathlyn James Endowment Fund provides grants for innovative ministry proposals - submitted from all age groups within the congregation who are members of EUMC. Completed applications must provide the committee with substantive information with a specific focus on serving families and children in poverty.
Priority is given to applications that provide opportunities for active ministry participation by the EUMC faith community.
Grant applications must have a well-defined spiritual component. Application should describe how Christian faith plays a role in the design and/or delivery of services.
Grant requests that exceed $10,000 or requests that establish a new church program will require approval by EUMC Administrative Team prior to submission to the Mission Endowment Committee. Grant requests that require capital expenditures will require approval by the EUMC Administrative Team prior to submission to the Mission Endowment Committee. Grant requests that require special fund-raising efforts will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and in conjunction with the EUMC Administrative Team.
Grant recipients are required to submit a 6-month evaluation report to the Mission Endowment Committee. If the funds have not been utilized within 6-months, in part or in full, the money is to be rescinded and returned to the Kathlyn James Endowment fund.